The Alignment Sanctuary:
A Marketing Membership For Soul-Gifted,
Big-Visioned, Audacious Humans

Karna Liv Nau, a brown-haired and brown-eyed women is sitting and looking into the camera with a gold dress on to share about Marketing Membership called Alignment Sanctuary.

Hi, I’m Karna!

I’m an Alignment Marketing Strategist and Coach — I’m here to help you evolve into your most aligned and expansive self by providing the tools, resources, and safe container to shine, be seen, and attract abundant resources!

Inside this marketing membership, I’ll show you how to create a Marketing Ecosystem and Foundation for your business, then guide you on building it to reach your financial goals while holding big space for your process and having FUN!

To grow your business, you have to be willing to expand with it. In other words – success is an inside job and will require you to do the work necessary to rewire your nervous system from surviving to thriving.

✨You in?✨

I’m sorry, darling. I have bad news.

Soooo…something terrible happened in the Internet marketing and social media “world,” and we’re paying the price right now in confusion, frustration, overwhelm, anxiety, doom scrolling, illness, and sometimes profound rage.

And by we, I mean women (often moms) who grew up in a patriarchal society, who had to enter a world primarily built by men, with mainly capitalist values, that held productivity and growth as the prized goals to strive for above all else.

Here’s the thing.

I know that you know you have something powerful to offer the world.

So, if you want to share your gifts as a business, it makes sense to look to experts to grow it!

If you tried to “figure out marketing,” the odds are high that you either:
  • Looked at what was offered as marketing strategies but couldn’t do it and felt completely overwhelmed before you started.
  • Struggled to implement various strategies but couldn’t make marketing and growing your business work for you, so now you feel like a failure somehow.
Struggling with traditional marketing tactics is common when you’re someone who…
  • Came into this world with profound gifts to offer this planet.
  • Found yourself as “the black sheep/scapegoat,” the “family glue/empathetic person” in a family system.
  • Experienced some level of trauma through growing up in a dysfunctional family.
  • Has spent a great deal of time, energy, and resources dedicated to your healing journey.
If you are screaming at your computer right now, thinking, “I fucking knew it” — you are in the right place.

I have tons of refreshing and exciting things I want to share with you.

(On the other hand, if you’re wondering if I’ve been microdosing mushrooms and have no clue what I’m talking about, this is your gentle cue to exit through the gift shop.)

The myths you were told about marketing

There are SO many confusing messages circulating the Interwebs right now that it’s hard to narrow them down.
Here are the ones that I think might be most overwhelming to you.

  1. You need to build an evergreen funnel.
  2. You need to do launches to sell your product.
  3. You need to grow your business with social media.
  4. You need to run ads.
  5. You need to sell in your DMs.
  6. You need to master the art of storytelling to sell.
  7. You need to run a challenge.
  8. You need to monetize a Facebook group.
  9. You need to do a “High Ticket” offer.
  10. You need to do a Group Coaching program.

Or, in short: There is one ultimate business model or “the way” to grow, and the others are “dead.”

Some of these strategies can be super efficient and do work!

However, some people *nudge, nudge, wink, wink* have been pushing the envelope a little too far when it comes to professing they have found the holy grail.

What makes it even MORE confusing for soul-gifted, empathetic women+ is that these old-school, toxic-masculine tactics have gotten a “Divine Feminine” Makeover.

This could come in the form of being asked to embrace your “queen,” being a “boss babe/bitch” or as high-pressure sales systems that, if you’re not down with the program, YOU are the one with a “mindset problem” or “limiting money beliefs.”

I TOLD you it is a mess! 🙈

Now for the good news!

Welcome to the experiment. In the paragraphs that follow, according to the “experts,” I will do a terrible job of selling you what I am trying to sell you. Instead, I’m going to try a radical approach.

I’m going to do my best attempt of telling you the damn truth.

While after 11 years in marketing and supporting women-owned businesses and over 40 businesses served in-depth, I don’t have *all* the answers. I do have some answers. And they are freaking liberating for the women+ I share them with!

Instead of offering you a cookie-cutter “roadmap,” I will do something that I think will serve you better in the long run.

(And I ONLY care about the long game, if you want a “get rich quick” situation, I’m not your gal.)

Join today

What is Alignment Marketing?

Alignment Marketing is a way to take up your rightful place in the world, be visible, and share your work in ways that align with, or in “right relationship” with, God (as you define it), your soul’s values, the wellbeing of others, and the planet.

It’s for trauma-recovering Business owners with a burning desire to be fully resourced in life and thrive by being true to who they are, using their soul gifts and life experience to do so.

It is a framework built on principles rooted in Love, trust in the Divine/Life, and body-based intuition.

It’s nuanced, rich, and bold. And it will ask a lot of you. (You know, like entrepreneurship always does.)

Scared yet?

That’s good!

Art Garfunkel said, “Everything worth doing starts with being scared.”

And if you stick with me (and my online sisterhood), we get to be scared together, with warm beverages, no bras, and virtual handholding – and that makes it bearable, even FUN!

We also get to serve the people we are meant to serve and make good money in the process. (But that last part happens on Life’s timeline, not ours – #didisurrenderenoughyet?)

If you’re ready to do this differently, join me in the
Alignment Marketing Membership!

Join now!

Alignment Marketing can be divided into four parts

Adopting these approaches to step
into the flow
  • Trust in the Unfolding of Life
  • Alignment with your Soul’s Values
  • Putting Transformation and Storytelling at the center of your marketing efforts
  • Reject toxic marketing practices and messages
  • Being motivated by doing your soul work and letting money be a byproduct of your alignment not the primary focus
  • Embrace a marketing Ecosystem over a funnel
Begin taking aligned action
  • Market your message using your strengths and gifts
  • Step into collaboration + Leverage other people’s strengths and audiences
  • Go slow + Build sustainably
  • Use your body for information on how to grow your business AKA Embodied Entrepreneurship
  • Being OK with taking small steps
  • Knowing when to push
Getting comfortable with expanding
outside your comfort zone
  • Understand discomfort as part of the expansion
  • Make friends with money
  • Understand that your brain is wired to keep you safe in your comfort zone (even if your comfort zone is lack)
  • Get comfortable with your contribution and being visible
  • Grieving as a business practice
  • Embrace curiosity and the experience itself
Redefining success from the inside out
and rejecting capitalism
  • Leaving a legacy of Love
  • Accomplishment is fulfilling your potential, not earning your worth
  • Enough is success
  • Claim and take up your space
  • Growing your business is ultimately about your Becoming and Blossoming
  • Identifying your true earning numbers

What your heart and soul desire IS possible.

I know this works because I live and breathe it every day in my own life and with my clients.

Now I want you to have this kind of freedom in your life! It’s the BEST feeling in the world to know that what you are focusing on is the right thing at the right time. To know that you are moving toward your super epic dream life (as you define it!) and that you get to have help doing it. To know you’re not alone on the path. It’s freaking delicious. And you DESERVE delicious.

I know that you have already come SO far from where you started. You’re NOT supposed to be able to figure this marketing thing out on your own. I am pretty smart, and it took me OVER A DECADE of dedicated trial and error (to the tune of tens of thousands of $), and I’m still learning!

There is a whole new world we get to create together. A parallel structure to the system crumbling all around us. And in this Alignment Sanctuary that we will magic up together, we get to be our full, wild, and vibrant selves. We get to take up our rightful space in the world. We get to attract money and clients. And we get to grieve. Above all, we get to straddle the full spectrum of what it means to be a human woman in 2023 on planet earth, in all its pain, peace, and glory!

What. A. Ride.

I hope I get to sit next to you on the roller coaster. Arms up! Here we gooooooooo! 🎢

Join now!

How I propose we get dirty together

After YEARS of noodling (read agonizing) about how to best teach this material to you, I’ve finally settled on the container that I think will truly, madly, deeply serve you the best:

It’s a monthly marketing membership called the Alignment Sanctuary.

Because fancy marketing tactics can only take you so far, we got to start with building a business and marketing FOUNDATION.

Together, we will build out the 8 foundational pillars of your Marketing Ecosystem.

You can either start from scratch or modify an existing business.

What you get:

  • Adopting an Alignment Marketer’s Mind and Heart-set
  • Setting your True North Direction
  • Detox from capitalist values and oppressive patriarchal marketing systems
  • Explore different business structures and find the one that’s right for you
Core content

Learn the most crucial aspects of these 8 pillars and how to set each one up.

  • A well-designed and mobile-optimized website
  • A core message map
  • A Spilmate client that you know how to help
  • A problem-solving offer
  • An email marketing system
  • An email automation sequence
  • A list-builder “freebie,” aka a relationship-builder
  • Optimized social media (optional)
The Sanctuary

This is the place where you learn to regulate your nervous system to tolerate success.

  • How to regulate yourself when activated
  • Grounding practices
  • Truth-telling practice
  • Meditations

Other things you get inside the Alignment Sanctuary:

  • 1 Monthly 60-minute Core Teachings + Q&A session
  • 1 Monthly 60-minute newsletter content accountability session
  • 1 Monthly 60-minute social media content accountability session
  • 1 Monthly Community FIKA (Swedish term for being together, having real talks–while drinking and eating something yummy)
  • Community in Circle
  • Option to ask for an Accountability Partner
  • Ability to book times with Virtual Assistants who can do what is not your strength $50/hour
  • Custom Canva Library that you can modify (Coming soon!)
  • Other surprises!

Join NOW!

We’re not here to follow a cookie-cutter system that drains our creativity and unique expression. We’re here to turn our soul gifts into a Love-rebellion where we all thrive using our gifts and talents. Together we are unstoppable!

Karna Liv Nau

How it works + What to expect

  1. Sign up!
  2. Watch the introduction videos and do the exercises.
  3. Find out where to start: Do the Marketing Ecosystem Checklist to identify your marketing Ecosystem leaks and make your to-do list in order of priority.
  4. Ready to Form your Foundation? Come to the Core Teachings + Q&A session.
  5. Need outsourcing help? Book a few hours with one of the Virtual Assistants who will do the things you can’t or don’t want to do.
  6. Want accountability in writing your newsletter? Show up for the Live call dedicated to emails or listen to/watch the recording.
  7. Want accountability for crafting your social media content for the month? Show up for the Live call dedicated to social media or listen to/watch the recording.
  8. Want belonging and connection? Write to the other members of the community.
  9. Feel overwhelmed or scared? Explore The Sanctuary.
  10. Want fun? Come and FIKA!

What people who have worked with me have to say:

Experience the Magic

Most Flexible

$200 per month

  • Ease into it on a monthly basis
  • *Founder Price - Save $100 (Reg. price $300/month.) Cancel any time.

Best Deal

$1000 for 6 months

  • Have me by your side for six months
  • *Founder Price - Get 1 month free (Reg. price $1200/6 months.)


15 reasons I’m the person to help you

  • Spent the past 13 years supporting women-led businesses
  • Built a client’s Instagram following from 250 to 50K highly engaged followers in two years
  • Built a high-quality Facebook group with 18,000 members in 2.5 years
  • Grew a client’s mailing list with 6864 new subscribers in one year without using paid ads
  • Increased client open rates from 23% to 50% open rates over two years compared to the women’s self-help industry standard of 23.42%
  • Co-produced six live events with over 400 participants in New York, San Fransisco, Boulder, Boston, Chicago, and Seattle
  • Have facilitated over 12 successful course launches (from 5 to 6-figure launches)
  • Have written hundreds of emails, nurture series and reactivation email campaigns
  • Have worked with over 40 women-led companies
  • Co-created over 30 custom websites
  • Trained 15 Virtual Assistants and Admin staff in 4 countries and 6 US states
  • Set up all the behind-the-scenes business systems for a multi-six-figure client
  • Co-founded and ran a small but mighty Digital Marketing Agency for 2.5 years that made multiple six figures in its second year in business
  • Birthed two children at home and am a dedicated mother
  • Overcame my own fear of being seen and healed my survival patterns

I’m uniquely qualified to work with Soulpreneurs and good at what I do. I’ve helped dozens of women thrive in their businesses beyond what patriarchal systems have offered them as solutions and ideals.

Now I want to Do that for you.

Guest teachers

Kimothy Joy

Kimothy Joy started a daily painting practice almost a decade ago to heal after a breakup. This practice became a way to study and honor women’s words and wisdom, including her own. Her personal herstory project and portrait series became the bestselling book That’s What She Said: Wise Words from Influential Women. 

Kimothy believes in the power of sisterhood to heal our world and unleash our potential. She hosts regular women’s circles, leads retreats, offers 1-on-1 sistership sessions, and has an online community.

Kendra Sand

Kendra is a content strategist, editor, and writer with 13+ years of digital marketing experience. She loves building content with visionary people—and helping them take up space online and IRL. She’s a low-key witch, a third-culture kid (she’s lived all over the US and the world), and a converted fan of the Oxford comma.

When she isn’t building her business, she’s playing “hot lava” with her wild toddler or being creative in the kitchen.

Brandi Bernoskie

Brandi Bernoskie is the founder of Alchemy+Aim and North Star Sites, website agencies that help businesses and entrepreneurs expand their impact, elevate their online presence, and enhance their digital experience.

As a business consultant, she helps business owners merge technology with mission and values to create an elevated and intentional experience for their customers and clients. Brandi is a natural connector and business matchmaker, helping others step into their genius work and leverage the expertise of those around them.

Jessica Malone

Jessica is the founder and owner of Nacho Average Fro, a lifestyle design company that helps employees turned entrepreneurs to align their time with their values. In 2017, Jessica started on a minimalism journey that completely transformed her life. Within 1 year of learning how to declutter, she lost 35 lbs, saved over $10,000, and launched a business. This journey taught her the 3 keys to creating the life you desire to lead – clarity, intention, and alignment. Using her signature CIA Method for Time-Management, Jessica’s clients learn how to launch and scale their business while creating 20+ hours per week for their self-care and relationships. When she isn’t helping others build the life they desire, she’s focusing on building the life she desires, which includes traveling, playing the piano, cooking and exploring new recipes, and cuddling up to a new self-help book.

Kai Madrone

Kai Madrone guides people who would rather not do marketing to discover their message and find their voice so their business can thrive. She is a writer + brand strategist + copywriting coach + editor who is here to support healers, teachers, artists, coaches, and innovators who are leaving the world more whole than they found it.

Kai knows what it’s like to struggle with marketing strategies that feel inauthentic, exhausting, or prove ineffective. That’s why she shares the TrueVoice Marketing approach–a way to hone your message so you get strong results by listening to your client and being yourself.

Ro Marlen

Ro Marlen is a renowned Wisdom Teacher and Embodied Healing Mentor who dedicates herself to guiding kindred spirits to rediscover their true essence and solidify their place within the web of creation. Specializing in supporting Spiritual Sensitives, from those awakening to bold cycle breakers, Ro facilitates a deep restoration of balance within oneself and the cosmos. This work enables individuals to stabilize their Soul Fire, empowering them to share their unique gifts without falling prey to burnout or illness.

Ro’s expertise is marked by creating personalized inner healing practices aimed at spiritually sensitive individuals. These practices focus on expanding one’s capacity to manage intense energy and emotions, fostering a profound sense of compassion and joy, thus allowing natural healing. As a trusted mentor, Ro’s teachings inspire profound transformation, leading to the embodiment of an authentic, empowered life.

What you can expect from being a member of Alignment Sanctuary

Inside this Marketing Membership, you finally experience relief that there IS another way to do marketing that aligns with you. Instead of spinning your wheels, you gain clarity about what to focus on first in your business and in what order to take action.

Together, we explore Marketing 101, and you understand on a body level what it takes to grow your business from the ground up. With my high-quality experts and me by your side, you gain trust in your success because you have seasoned mentors and cheerleaders showing you the way!

We all know social media is a fickle master in the Marketing multi-verse. Inside the Alignment Sanctuary, you learn my proprietary Instagram Strategy that took author and Coach, Bethany Webster – from 250 to 50K followers in a few years. Or, if you have no desire to be on social media, I will show you my (mostly) secret method to grow WITHOUT being active on social media (I know, it sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t!)

Aside from learning new badass business-building skills, you are also invited to detox from patriarchal business and marketing strategies. You relax into a sense of belonging with like-minded and like-hearted business owners. We provide the accountability you have been craving to stay consistent finally. Enjoy tried and true strategies and experiential tools when contracting, freaking out, or feeling overwhelmed.

Explore systems and strategies to implement in your business to build a lean, streamlined business that is straightforward to manage and grow. Feel good about communicating your work, value, and the transformation you offer. You also learn what it takes to bring in soul-mate clients on the regular, begin selling with ease, plus DANCE BREAKS!  💃


Workshop: Embody Boulder Boundaries with Bethany Webster

In this pre-recorded 90-minute workshop, we will explore the role of the Mother Wound in our struggle with boundaries and the patriarchal values we internalized as little girls that set us up for self-betrayal and an illusion of a payoff that never comes.

Bringing these beliefs into the light of consciousness greatly reduces their power to control our thoughts and behaviors, and liberates us to embody more sovereignty and bold self-ownership without shame, modeling new ways of being for girls and young women at a time when “cycle-breaking” women are needed more than ever.

Join Now!


You commit to progressing through the modules at your own pace (even if it’s a little work each month). If you are not active for one month, my team will reach out to you and check in. If you do not complete any work within two weeks of the following month, we will give you a final notice, and your membership will be canceled when your membership is up that month (if you’re on a yearly membership plan, you will be refunded the remaining balance). You will need special approval to join again.

I take July off and 2 weeks at the end of December. In July, you will learn from one of my trusted experts. In December you should take the time off with me!

There are no refunds except if you have bought a yearly subscription and you have a good reason. You will need to submit it to [email protected]

What happens after you have
built your foundation?

Once you have Formed your Foundation, it’s time to Ease into Expansion!

This is when things get super exciting. As a Foundations graduate, you get to apply for the next level of business evolution.

Where you get to face the only thing truly standing in your way: Yourself.

You will also learn the simple yet effective ways to scale your business (with or without using social media).

A note about
inclusivity and accessibility

I’m a cis woman in a heterosexual, monogamous relationship who identifies as pansexual. I’m Swedish but live in the United States. I’ve also lived in Costa Rica and Australia and traveled to many other countries. While many of my collaborators are white and straight, I deeply value diversity. I am always learning more from authors, marketers, and creatives like Kelly Diels, Tricia Hersey, JVN, Jennifer Brown, Sonya Renee Taylor, Beau Brink, and many more.

If you identify as a trans woman, non-binary, queer, or a man, you are welcome in this space. However, you will find that my language is geared primarily toward women. 🏳️‍🌈

If you are Black, Brown, Asian, or Latinx, you are welcome here. If this space feels a bit too white and you are looking for marketing support, I recommend the offerings of Simone Grace Seol.

I am working to make this space as accessible as I can. Here are some ways I do that:

  • Zoom webinars have subtitles
  • Video lessons are up to 15 minutes long, often shorter, to retain the attention span of my ADHD friends
  • Video lessons also come in audio format and have transcripts (coming ASAP)
  • Homework documents are presented in Google document format so you can modify the text to suit your needs

If you want to talk with me before joining in to make sure this feels like a supportive space, you can contact me, and we can schedule a call.

Experience the Magic

Most Flexible

$200 per month

  • Ease into it on a monthly basis
  • *Founder Price - Save $100 (Reg. price $300/month.) Cancel any time.

Best Deal

$1000 for 6 months

  • Have me by your side for six months
  • *Founder Price - Get 1 month free (Reg. price $1200/6 months.)

Karna transformed my business in practical and profitable ways that I couldn’t even imagine when we started working together 3 years ago and I am so grateful! I feel truly blessed to know Karna and to benefit from her wisdom, expertise, and potent intuition in my business. She assisted me with efficiency and effectiveness at every single level of my business, including upgrading the brand’s look and feel, streamlining procedures and systems, hiring and managing the team, as well as strategic planning. Karna has the deepest integrity; she is a great communicator and is a visionary expert and strategist. If you have the chance to work with her, just do it, you won’t regret it. Your future self will thank you!

Bethany Webster

Coach & author of "Discovering the Inner Mother"

How did Karna do it? How did she perfectly create my website to sound like me, look like my style, and function in a way that brings ease and enjoyment to myself and others? I cannot stop grinning from ear to ear every time I look at my website and work with it. It’s just, well, perfect! AND if that was not enough, she is totally putting together a whole workflow and team to help me more easily and rapidly get quality content up on my site. Every little penny I have paid Karna to build and sustain my website has been a bargain! (Note, I hate writing this testimonial because others might read it, catch on to her brilliance, and I might have to share her. Shh! Don’t tell anyone else and let’s keep her to ourselves shall we?).

Katrina McHyde
Founder of Owned by Love

I had the privilege of working with Karna at Emerging Women (EW) for two years. Although her title read “Director of Events”, that didn’t come close to representing what Karna did for our company. Karna was the backbone of the organization managing most projects in addition to managing our team. I was always amazed by Karna’s brain and her ability to keep track of every detail related to her job as well as everyone else’s. She was always calm under pressure and her positive energy and grace would shift the way others were feeling and behaving. I always felt confident with Karna by my side knowing that she had thought of everything. I give Karna my very highest recommendation and will be eternally grateful for her presence in my life.

Kara Valentine
Co-Founder Threads Worldwide

Karna’s approach is superbly unique – her amazing ability to know the tech details AND the personal concerns make for an incredible potion of healing and boots-on-the-ground support – yes, the feminine way! While I always struggled to be “business” or “myself”, Karna helped me sink in with all of it and relax, knowing that she can hold all of it, with every step, in building and strengthening my business – be it website, newsletters, marketing ideas, social media – and very idiosyncratic and personal concerns! I love this woman! She is a true alchemist and magician, as well as a precise technician and hand-on assistant. Karna shines working one-on-one and with a team; I so highly endorse her and her work!

Elena Giulini
Acupuncturist, Walk Between Acupuncture

Karna is beyond intuitive.  She’s a personal data scientist, sharply and concisely offering new perspectives and reflections at which one could not have arrived independently.  She offers her services in not just a personal but personalized and comforting manner and environment. Karna is one of those few gifted people who can transform limits into healthy boundaries, and articulate what it means to honor them, accept them, and if necessary, transcend them.

Andrea M.
Wellness Professional

Throughout our partnership, Karna has helped me understand my purpose is not to work or own a business, or a personal brand – I am here to thrive. This tiny mindset shift was massive for me and my relationship with my career. Thanks to her skills, I trust I will move on with everything around on time. In the last 3 months, I’ve attracted my first paying clients and feel absolutely at peace with every decision I make. I could not recommend Karna enough. She is truly magic!

Julie Despraz
Writer & Serial Entrepreneur

In the short time, we’ve worked with Karna, she’s helped us bring our website into alignment with what we value and present it in a way that reflects who we are and what we do. She’s also helped us create a model for our work that takes what feels impossibly complex and multilayered and made it clear, concise, and approachable, without losing the depth of what we’re offering. She listens and researches so that she can create a plan that deeply understands you and your work, and then wrangles you when you lose track of it.

Alyssa Morin
The Verdant Collective

As you continue your entrepreneur journey, things get lost in the mix. Your focus is limited. When Karna came to me with her analysis of my current customer journey—and more importantly how we could TOTALLY revamp it—I was simultaneously smiling ear to ear and kicking myself internally for not doing it yesterday. The way she’s able to “get it” with your brand (from my experience) and distill the essentials is unbeatable. She’s now my go-to deep thought customer journey planning pal!

Chris Greene
CEO of HackThatHabit