The Hands-Off Instagram Makeover

At the Intersection of Proven Social Media Marketing Strategy, IG Account re-Do, and Your Soul Gifts

How to use Instagram when you are ambivalent about even being on social media.

The verdict is in! Marketing your services on social media is what we are “supposed to do,” but nobody really wants to do it or seems to know how to make it successful other than a handful of beautiful influencers. Most women who try end up with an on-again-off-again toxic (or at the very least frustrating) relationship with social media and don’t see the results they need from their efforts.

Since I taught my first Instagram workshop in 2016, I have spent hundreds of hours implementing social strategies for clients AND in other people’s trainings trying to understand the phenomenon of Instagram and how to grow your account and make more sales from those followers.

It’s not been easy! I’ve worked with people with 1M followers and 100 followers. I’ve had epic failures for clients and some serious wins, like growing one client’s account from a few hundred followers to 48K! 

Karna Liv Nau

Here are the most common frustrations I hear – maybe you can relate?
  • I hate social media, do I really have to do it?
  • I don’t understand how it even works.
  • I know I’m supposed to do Reels. Is that still a thing?
  • What’s the difference between lives and stories…and posts…and what’s the algorithm anyway?
  • I’m exhausted even thinking about social media.
  • I took all the trainings and did what I was supposed to do, but it’s not working!
  • I’m so tired of “creating content”! What’s even the point when I get 2 likes!
  • I don’t want to feed the capitalist machine and churn out content!
  • What’s a content bucket?
  • Do hashtags even work? #DoHashtagsMatter?
  • I don’t mind using socal media if it actually makes a difference in people’s lives, otherwise it’s not worth it.
  • Did I mention I hate social media… but how do I use it?
  • Heeellllpppppppp!

Karna Liv Nau

Are any of those things ringing a bell? If so, you’re so not alone. In fact, we’re all feeling the insanity of what is being asked of us, and many are thinking *there’s gotta be a better way*.

The good news is THERE IS!

After seven years of marketing on Instagram, a clear image has emerged of what it takes to use this platform for marketing your business successfully – and it starts with an optimized Instagram account.

(And, if you feel that social media isn’t for you, that is fine too. There are plenty of business models that don’t rely on social media, but there’s a chance this offer can help your business evolve even if you want to spend as little time on social media as possible.)

Karna Liv Nau Submark

Let me introduce you to

The Hands-Off Instagram Makeover!

Yes, Queen! It IS like the Fab 5 came and transformed your entire Instagram account. You guessed it!

How It Works

  1. Fill out a questionnaire
  2. Have a one-hour Makeover Strategy Session with Karna
  3. Get your easy-to-use Makeover Google Doc and give feedback
  4. I implement the Makeover – sit back and watch the magic happen
  5. Receive your assets, including your branded Canva Templates

I offer a 2-week turnaround from when you have your session to when you get access to everything.

What You Get

The Makeover

  • Image, name field + bio makeover
  • Linktree feedback or set up
  • Branded Highlight covers
  • 9 branded Canva Post templates – static posts and carousel posts
  • 9 branded Canva Story templates
  • 6 branded Canva Reel covers
  • 3 “pinned posts” recommendations for the top of your feed

The Strategy

  • Custom posting strategy tailored to your offer(s)
  • Core Message Worksheet to get clarity on your voice and message
  • Content categories/pillars
  • 20+ hashtags per category group
  • 5-8 Custom CTAs for your brand
  • 30 writing prompts designed to convert and engage
  • Monthly posting schedule and suggestions tailed to your personality

The Support

Once you have your Instagram Marketing Plan and Templates, you get two weeks of email support as you begin implementing the work and strategies.

The Return

  • Finally, have an Instagram Account you are proud of that’s optimized for your business goals
  • Use your gorgeous Canva Templates to make on-brand posts, carousels and reels
  • Have a look and feed you are proud of that showcases you as the expert in your niche
  • Have guidance on what to post and when
  • Get new leads and clients from your followers
  • Gain collaborative partners from your legit-looking and sounding account
  • Know how to structure a post for optimal engagement
  • Get blocked keywords to never get a spam comment ever again

The Investment

One easy payment of $2000

Reserve your spot

Two monthly payments of $1000

Reserve your spot

Add-On Training – $450

(Short recorded videos/audios)

  • How you need to think about marketing on social media while maintaining your sanity
  • How a Marketing Ecosystem helps you grow your business
  • How to turn an article or video into many posts
  • How to use Later to schedule posts
  • How to write a post for optimal engagement
  • How to make easy Reels that convert
  • 5 strategies to make your IG grow
  • How to use stories to reach new clients

What Clients Say

“After working with Karna for a few months, she suggested I’d branch into Instagram. At the time, in 2019, I had a couple of hundred followers and had no interest in spending more time on the app. I let Karna step in and take over the strategy, content creation, and look and feel of my brand. The results are nothing short of amazing. I now have an organic, thriving, highly engaged follower community of 48.000 (plus a Facebook group with over 19.000 members,) and my profile was viewed by nearly 1M people last month. It brings me leads, customers, and guest interviews, even though I spend very little time on Instagram. I highly recommend you work with Karna if you want to make an impact with your work and reach people through social media while also maintaining your sanity.” – Past Client

“We are so happy with Karna’s work on our social media makeover. She was so clear and communicative that we knew exactly what she was going to do and when…and then she delivered beyond our expectations! What’s more, she took time to explain why she recommended what she did and received our feedback with openness and humility. It was such a pleasure working with Karna that we highly recommend anyone with marketing support needs work with her if you are lucky enough to have the opportunity!” – Dr. Matthew Lederman & Dr. Alona Pulde @Wellness2Wonderful 

“Karna’s class was amazing! So many realtors have no idea how to use Instagram effectively. I have always used Instagram but had no idea how important your handle is when someone is searching for your information. Karna took the time to go step by step through the process so that we had a better understanding of it all. She also provided a step-by-step guide to keep. I would highly recommend her to anyone that wants to learn more about effective marketing with Instagram.”Danielle Cooper, Realtor

“I began using Instagram three years ago and still consider myself a beginner. I’m curious and want to learn more to grow my business but the thought of trial and error on my own is a daunting one. The workshop with Karna was truly fabulous! It was hands-on and full of marketing strategies, tips, and tricks. Her positive energy was infectious which made the experience fun for all. By the end of the workshop, I was more comfortable, confident, and excited to apply what I had learned. I highly recommend working with Karna!”– Cindy B

“Karna is very knowledgeable and has a true passion for her industry. She’s always quick to respond, takes the time to truly understand her client’s needs, and is honest at setting the right expectations. She has guided me through elaborate processes on topics I knew nothing about – social media – in a way that felt intuitive, interesting, and doable. She knows how to spark courage in others, and is a delight to work with. Karna has my highest recommendation.” – Filiz Tamer

Karna Liv Nau

Meet Your Guide

Karna Liv Nau (she/her)

Karna is an Alignment-Focused Marketing Strategist who incorporates Feminist and Feminine principles into her work. Karna collaborates with women+ leaders with an impactful message who want to detox from patriarchal business practices, embrace their uniqueness as an asset in the market, and make money while making a difference. Her work is centered around helping her clients cultivate a thriving Marketing Ecosystem to get traction, joy, and sales from marketing instead of frustration, feeling inauthentic, and creatively stifled. She believes that a woman with an open heart – aligned with her gifts, a strong support system, and trust in the unfolding of her business makes the impact the world needs right now.

Karna Liv Nau Submark

Get Started Today!

Have a look and feed you are proud of that showcases you as the expert in your niche.

Get Started