8-Part Workshop Series
Let’s Make Imperfect Impact

All Workshops are pre-recorded.


Marketing…From šŸ¤¢ to šŸ¤©

Whelp, Iā€™m just going to come out and say it. No person I speak with enjoys marketing. Instagram is maddening. Everyone is healing deep trauma and are exhausted AF. No wonder growing or getting your business off the ground can feel daunting in the midst of it all!!! If youā€™re single, a mom, queer, or part of a marginalized group, itā€™s even worse. Deep sigh.Ā 

If this resonates, please come and learn with me because I have spent over 10 years mapping out a whole new territory of sharing your work with the world I call Alignment Marketing. Iā€™ve spent thousands of hours working with women, growing my own business, listening to horror and success stories, studying with marketing pioneers, taking classes and courses, tracking and mapping trends, and taking notes.

Evolve your business in a way that FEELS right

Itā€™s my dream that my lifeā€™s work could help lessen your confusion, pain, and frustration around marketing and give you clarity, new tools that work, and permission to follow your own path.

I’ve designed these workshops to help you grow your business in a way that deeply resonates with your soul and allows you to give a big, fat middle finger at the current capitalist, patriarchal, artificial practices we are forced to endure. Blech.

Why Imperfect Impact?

I named this series ā€œImperfect Impactā€ because I believe 2024 is the time we get OVER trying to get it all right and perfect and just START! The world needs your brilliance, and it needs it now. This series is me following my own advice.Ā 

Join me and learn all my frameworks, a new vision for marketing, and business tools!

You in? Did I mention we will have the best time?

Karna Liv Nau Submark

If you feel a part of your body relaxing, unfurling, and a curiosity blooming inside ā€“ you are in the right place.

You are not alone, and these Workshops were made for you!

(On the other hand, if youā€™re wondering if Iā€™ve been microdosing mushrooms and have no clue what Iā€™m talking about, this is your gentle cue to exit through the gift shop.)


Workshop Descriptions

State of the Union – Marketing EditionĀ 

We start at the very beginning because thatā€™s a very good place to start, if you know what I mean *wink*. The truth is, so much has changed in marketing and so fast that for you to make choices properly and to orient yourself to what is happening right now, you need to survey the landscape and anchor yourself in the present. After all, if you donā€™t know where you are, how could you possibly know where to go? I will review whatā€™s working, whatā€™s not, and WHY. You will leave with so much clarity about why you have not been able to be successful yet, what could work for you, and with a new map to follow (you get to say which route to take, though!)

Exploring various business models and what it takes to make each kind of model profitableĀ 

Together, we will explore various types of business models that are suited for soulpreneurs with a service to sell and who might want to branch out into digital products or the like. We will also go over what marketing strategies are available to you and how they work in concert with each business model. This is a fun and powerful Workshop if you donā€™t feel confident in your offers and how to sell them. This workshop builds on the one before, but can also be taken as a stand-alone workshop.Ā 

How to set up your Instagram account as a mini-website

Drink this metaphorical green juice to energize your presence on IG! This Workshop is PERFECT for people with a business who know they have no interest in posting often and growing a big following but would love to have their Instagram account set up as a vetting tool for prospective clients to see if they are legit and right for them. It also allows you to feel confident when you DO feel inspired to post.

How to create the top three simple-to-make Instagram reels

After posting semi-regularly for a year on Instagram, Iā€™ve found the three most effective and easy-to-make reels that take the least time. This Workshop is very hands-on and practical, and you will learn how to make these types of reels in REEL time. (So sorry for that horrible pun!)

How to use Canva for Marketing and personal expression

I love Canva, and I love teaching the most important features to folks to empower them to make any graphics they need. Learn things like how to make an image that has your photo cut out with a colored background behind, how to make a reel in Canva, how to make a brand kit, a LinkedIn Banner, and get templates to use for all major social media accounts, plus some other fun and useful stuff!

How to prompt ChatGPT for Marketing purposes and integrate/live with AI in general

Yes, bitch I said what I said. Iā€™d rather be a human instead – but also use AI to be as effective as I can be when it comes to marketing. Learn whatā€™s happening with AI, and how to think about it for marketing purposes – what itā€™s good for and not. Watch me prompt ChatGPT and learn how you can get better at prompting. We go over how to use it ethically and discuss whatā€™s coming down the pipeline and how I recommend you relate to AI now and in the future. I will also share how I think it will impact the business landscape and how you can stick out.

How to do Email Marketing in 2024

This giant gray area of the marketing world that only people with automated funnels seem to master can actually be really fun and lucrative. And there are things you absolutely should do and some you shouldnā€™t – so letā€™s talk about it, shall we? This will be both theoretical, where I will explain what you need to do and why, as well as practical tips and strategies. You will also get some helpful templates about how to write an email, a basic sales email series, and a simple ā€œfreebieā€ onboarding series, PLUS a way to map out a year of monthly emails. This thing alone is probably worth $500 if YOU actually implement what I give you, just saying.Ā 

Consistency & Capacity: What does it take to sustain a marketing practice?Ā 

We round up this epic series by exploring the elusive topic of consistency and how it relates to your capacity. This is less about tactics and more of a nuanced conversation that will allow you to finally understand why you HAVENā€™T been able to be consistent and get ideas and a process for how to decide who you are as a marketer and what you are willing to do to grow your business. We will also talk about how marketing intersects with your healing journey, how building capacity in your nervous system will impact your capacity for marketing, and gain a new understanding of what being consistent means. We might also touch on your period and how to use cycle tracking to your benefit when it comes to content creation. Prepare for aha-s and relief.

Karna Liv Nau Submark

Why the heck should a busy human like you join Imperfect Impact?

I’m not just offering business growth strategies; I’m inviting you to redefine success on your terms. My approach combines practical digital marketing expertise with an empathetic understanding of the unique challenges and aspirations of solopreneurs like me, my clients, and, Iā€™m guessing, you. I can promise you that it is unlike anything that you are finding on Instagram or in the sauced-up ā€œDigital Marketingā€ Courses these days.

Join today

Hear from those who’ve joined the past experiences with meā€¦(Aww, thanks, my peeps!)

“Liv Karna stands out as a warrior of love and truth, destined to bring together like-minded individuals into a community that is authentic and naturally flourishing.” – Zanna Campora

“In the short time weā€™ve worked with Karna, sheā€™s helped us bring our website into alignment with what we value, and present it in a way that reflects who we are and what we do.” – Alyssa Morin, The Verdant Collective

“Karnaā€™s approach to marketing is entirely original, devising plans based on personal style, needs, and the specifics of the company, changing the perspective on marketing and putting clients in the driverā€™s seat.” – Gabriella Barnstone, Founder of Scoliosis Conditioning

“Karna is an exceptional communicator, a true professional, and is incredibly unique in her approach.” – Ryan Kaplan

“Karna took the time to go step by step through the process so that we had a better understanding of it all.” – Danielle Cooper

“Thank you, Karna, for your inspiration and for a great class!” – Anne Young

“The workshop with Karna was truly fabulous, full of marketing strategies, tips, and tricks.” – Cindy B

“We are so happy with Karnaā€™s work on our social media makeover; she delivered beyond our expectations!” – Dr. Matt Lederman and Dr. Alona Pulde

Did I hear Bonuses??

Your bonus is there are NO BONUSES. You’re welcome!

Well, there kinda is one bonus, which is when you buy all the Workshops, you get easy access to them ALL in one place in my online learning platform called Circle.

When you buy the one-off Workshops, you only get the recording and handouts via email.

Let’s Make Imperfect Impact Together!

These workshops are valued at about $100 a piece and will be sold for a higher price in the future.
You save $681 when you buy them now.

Best Value

$95 for 8 Workshops

  • Get the full experience
  • *Get 8 Workshops for the price of 1

Most Flexible

$25 Per Workshop

  • Pick what you are interested in
  • *Opens in a new window with instructions

How it works

  1. Sign up!
  2. Get a receipt and welcome email from Circle.
  3. Sign in and get acquainted with the platform.
  4. Get access to all Workshops. They are 90 minutes up to 2 hours and come with interactive Worksheets.

What people who have worked with me have to say:



Hi, Iā€™m Karna!

My journey from Sweden to the heart of women’s entrepreneurship in the US has been a complete roller-coaster with empowering breakthroughs and devastating losses. Now, with over a decade of experience, I bring a holistic and innovative approach to entrepreneurship that is feminist, fun, and inclusive and balances what I call ā€˜form and flow.ā€™

As the former Director of Events for Emerging Women, I organized large-scale events featuring influential figures like BrenƩ Brown, Terrerai Trent, and Liz Gilbert, fueling my passion for creating empowering and growth-oriented spaces for women. After transitioning into digital marketing, I drove substantial organic growth for businesses, from building Instagram followings to increasing email engagement rates well above industry standards like a total boss.

Co-founding a Digital Marketing Agency grounded in Feminine Business Principles, I’ve helped over 40 women-led companies thrive. My expertise spans from creating engaging social media strategies to facilitating successful online course launches, all while finding ways to be a present mom, friend, and sister.Ā 

After leaving that business, my approach is not just about ā€œbusiness successā€ and scaling; it’s about nurturing your whole self and aligning your business with your deepest values, desires, and dreams. Join me in the Imperfect Impact Workshop Series, where I’ll share my insights and strategies to help you thrive in business and life. Itā€™s going to be fucking legendary.Ā 


A note about
inclusivity and accessibility

Iā€™m a cis woman in a heterosexual, monogamous relationship who identifies as pansexual. Iā€™m Swedish but live in the United States. Iā€™ve also lived in Costa Rica and Australia and traveled to many other countries. While many of my collaborators are white and straight, I deeply value diversity. I am always learning more from authors, marketers, and creatives like Kelly Diels, Tricia Hersey, JVN, Jennifer Brown, Sonya Renee Taylor, Beau Brink, and many more.

If you identify as a trans woman, non-binary, or queer, you are welcome in this space. However, you will find that my language is geared primarily toward women. šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

If you are Black, Brown, Asian, or Latinx, you are welcome here.

If you want to talk with me before joining in to make sure this feels like a supportive space, you can contact me, and we can schedule a call.